Friday, December 27, 2019

30 Day Kdrama Challenge ~ Day 29

I got this photo from here

When I was on Madame Writer's blog for photo above I saw that she did a Kdrama challenge that she found on Tumblr which I linked below. I thought wow I should do this as I am getting more and more into Kdramas (to be fair I have only watched a finished a handful) So I am debating if I should do it all in one post or make it a 30 day challenge...


Today is: Day 29: A Kdrama which made you so happy

Oh come on if you haven’t figured this out you must be new to this challenge. One of the Kdramas that really, really makes me happy when I watch is Wise Prison Life AKA Prison Playbook. It is just so enticing and raw and such a show that I could just watch over and over. It is funny, serious, deep and at the same time believable. I truly enjoy watching this one and it has led me to many others. I guess what they say is true, you will always remember your first… or would it be better to say, your first is always the best? Either way, this show makes me so happy to watch.

Previous & upcoming topics 

Day 30: A Kdrama which made you so sad

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Thanks for stopping in I appreciate you taking the time to leave some feedback! Hope you have a fantastic day 😄