Friday, June 26, 2015

My Favorite Things ~ Week 13

Oh me oh my how the week has flown right on by. My goodness not only is it week 13 episode episode 24. I have gotten to the point where I have not gotten anything else published this week on the blog nor in the podcasting world either due to being busy and the lack of anything new going on. Sadly I am having a lot going on in my world. Last weekend I was at Boulevardia and this weekend by the time this is published I shall be in St Louis for a little me time with some friends. So no extras this week. Any way that's enough of me let's get back to the really fun stuff and the whole reason you are even listening...

What kind of nerd are you? I have heard of lots of nerds and lots of geeks. There are nerd jocks, geek comics, nerd book readers, geek tv show viewers, We geek out over sports, nerd out over actors, geek out over plots, nerd out over pop funk figures, geek out over Dr. Who, nerd out over firefly. But what kind of nerd/geek are you?
I've been asking myself this every time I go to write this section of this favorite thing. What qualifies for this section. Is there really anything specifically to put here? I mean let's be honest there are specific things to put in music, and TV and books but realistically those are all things that I "nerd" out about anyway? So if I am breaking them up into specific categories how is this one helping me out other than games, or my pop collectibles which I don't get that often or my trips helping me out?
Then add to it I put most of my trip stuff in the section right below called personal projects which is half personal and half projects (I mean mostly it's personal with an occasional project I find on pintrest I think you guys would like or find interesting) I say all that to come back to this...
What is this nerd section for? What should I start sharing here for you guys? What do you want here? I mean let's be honest there are over a hundred (and I wish I was crapping you here) sites that you can find nerd news a lot faster and more accurate than what I bring you. There are five other sections below that I have broken down more specific topics other than comics which I read but now with the frequency that some would appreciate
The only new Nerd news in my life is the Loot Crate subscription and Nerd Block subscription that I just got this week (Nerd Block had a hiccup with my address that they are still working on) Loot crate I wasn't all that impressed with and ended up giving most of it away to a 15 year old boy whom I consider to be like a nephew to me. He was happy I was sad about the 20 bucks I wasted. So needless to say we both came out happy. Otherwise there isn't anything new to report in the NERD section of my favorite things. I guess what I am rambling about is to say I may put this on the shelf for awhile in the future to pick back up when needed but may not always bring out to use... there I said it enough beating around the bush.

So I am traveling once again to St. Louis which is only a 4 hour car ride from my neck of the woods to there neck of the woods but it is with 2 other females both of which who like to pack a lot of things. Add to it we are going to Six Flags, drinking at wineries on the way to and fro and going to a magical place called "REAL LIFE ESCAPE ROOMS" yep where we and our guest have to solve puzzles to escape from a room in under 1 hour. Seriously and we shall of course be tired and hung over knowing the lot I shall be with. There is absolutely no way this can go wrong. I think we decided the horror room was out (due to my needing to be cuddled and held if we do the horror room) and decided to do the heist room instead. Now keep in mind no one is good at puzzles in our group and no one is allowed to use their phones so either this can go really really good or really really bad. Hence another reason why the horror room is out.
I image it looks similar to this:
 Which if I am to be honest I Have no idea what I would do in this first on other than sit on the sofa which would probably result in my immediate death or disqualification.

I don't even wanna think about what I would have to do for this one. So this escape room may not go according to plan like the group thinks it will...

Whelp I finally found season 3 of Death in Paradise 

And I'm going to just come out and say right now "I am not a happy camper" NOT ONE LITTLE BIT

Seriously walk away if you don't want to know about this rant... no side note I won't spoil this for anyone invested or getting invested in this show because it is a good show that is a good family show and I do support it. It doesn't have a lot of gore or blood there isn't any cussing or sex so all in all it's a decent family show but by DAMN IT I am not happy with how they did a freaking transition. Damn British television you would think by now after all the freaking British television shows that I watch I would know what was coming but NO NO I did not and I was NOT prepared and I am NOT happy. I am so not happy in fact I am not even certain that I will continue with this series or not. Not sure if I will keep going. I may be done with this whole freaking show... UGH

RANT OVER For now I guess... 

Anyway I am also still working on the previous shows listed from last week, Dr. Who (made it to Donna's season and man is she ever a hoot) Wallander (still with baby Tom), Heroes (kind of got stuck), Crossing Lines (Wallander is who I blame for this) and Pretty Little Liars (cause I mean this is the time of year for new episodes so yeah).

No new movies sorry never made it to the theater and this weekend I'm out of town like a travel fool so that blows. Maybe next week I'll catch something...

The first song I picked this week is To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra because I just heart it and by golly miss molly it rocks.

If you enjoy some Sherlock and Molly heartache here's some fan video of the song with them. Enjoy that while you weep your eyes out done by Nyah86Production

The second song I picked is: Daisy by Brand New

And for more giggles here's a fan video by k9lover27 who did an excellent Dean (from Supernatural) fan video based on the song.

So yeah go cry your eyes out to that as well. I'll bring the tissues and the ice cream.

Anywho moving on to books

Title: Magic Bites
Author: Ilona Andrews
Released: 2007
Books in series: 8 possibly?

Kate Daniels is a down-on-her-luck mercenary who makes her living cleaning up paranormal problems. Atlanta has two factions struggling for power. Masters of the Dead are necromancers who control vampires. The Pack are a paramilitary clan of shapechangers. When Kate's guardian is killed, she is caught between.

I liked it. Enough to continue to buy the series even  though I stopped reading back at book 4 which is saying something. It's another Nalini Singhi kind of author to me. I liked the first few so much I continue to buy all the new releases out there and even though I haven't picked them up to read in a while I still keep buying because I trust that the author isn't going to let me down. One day I am scared that they might turn into a Laurell Hamilton situation but I hold out faith that the reading blog community will let me know long before that happens. What I liked about this book is the shifter aspect. I was never really a vampire kind of gal I enjoy more the shifters IDK call me old fashion but I like my men with a pulse so when this series came out with magic that only works half time and shifters I was like

So then I ended up with a but ton of books about shifters which I still like but then I had this massive shift in taste and now I read a lot of books about fantasy which don't include a lot of romance and well now all my shifter novel kind of sit on the shelves collecting dust cause that's how I roll. That being said I do recall this book and I did enjoy it and I do plan to eventually at some point in my many many years plan to re-read the series and eventually finish it. I just pray she stops writing this series so that  I can hope to achieve this goal before I die or she does.

So this week I thought I would have some fun with picking the actor and do someone from a show that I enjoy that is sadly no longer on the air and while I hope this person is still out there doing something I am not certain that he is. He's in a random British show called Robin Hood and I absolutely heart him but haven't seen him in anything else which doesn't mean anything. Any who this week's actor is JONAS ARMSTRONG

Anyways as always Its been real thanks for joining me for yet another awesome week on my favorites. As always I would love to hear from you on what you thought about this week, as well as, what some of  your favorite things are. Please feel free to leave a comment on some of your favorite items here below or come over to Twitter and let me know your thoughts. You can also join me on the dark side at Tumblr or over at Podbean where I record the podcast at. Until next time stay safe and enjoy the weekend and shake that groove thing. 

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